Materials and Prep
There are a few steps before you get to running a workshop.
To Prepare for A 'Get Feedback' Workshop You'll Need to:
- Schedule time:
- 30 minutes to plan testing as a group
- 30 minutes of testing per player
- 30 minutes to review the results as a group
- Find a space for your group to work in
- Arrange time with people you want to show your prototype to (i.e. testers)
- Pens and paper to take notes
- Prototype(s) of your ideas from the Build Prototypes workshop
- Printed or online Workshop Instructions for your reference
- Printed Testing Tip Sheets for each designer to refer to during testing
- Printed Feedback Grids to capture feedback from each person you test with
Have you completed the Build Prototypes workshop? Do you have a prototype of an idea for how to meet the needs of young people? Is your group ready to share this prototype and make them even better?
Then you're ready to: